Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Beachbody 2 Day Fast

This past week, I joined my sister in Beachbody's 2 day fast. While HARD to go without food for 2 days, I learned lots about myself and my eating habits. While yes, my body wanted to eat, I had to teach myself the power of the word "no" and how to stick to it. On any regular day, I would tell myself "no, not right now." rather than saying a firm "NO."

Now that the fast is over and I'm back to eating (LOL) I find that I'm not craving chocolates and candies like I thought I would. I'm seeking value and nutrition in all my food choices and I'm not going to bed at night wondering what the heck I ate that made me sooo bloated and groggy.

There was a time where I mocked people who fasted. While I may not do such an extreme fast again for a while, I most definitely think that fasting of some sort is necessary periodically in order to get in tune with your mind and body. I feel so much better about myself and while the weight loss was fantastic, the newfound mindset I have is equally as amazing a welcomed.

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