Friday, June 28, 2013

FOCUS T25 Is Finally Here!!

The only thing standing between you and the results you
want is TIME.

Shaun T experimented for the last year to design a program that delivers the same kind of results you'd expect from an hour-long program, in under 30 minutes. He's pulled out the rest to give you everything you need, nothing you don't.

The result is FOCUS T25—and the name implies the intent: If you focus your intensity for 25 minutes, and you do it 5 days a week, you WILL get results.

Finally, you can get it done in less time. In fact, these 25-minute workouts are all you need. Whether you're looking to get started and want a workout you can fit into your busy life, or you're tired of workouts taking up 1.5 to 2 hours of your day, FOCUS T25 is the answer for you.

Plus, you get the FOCUS T25 Workout Calendar to take out all the guesswork, Shaun's Get It Done Nutrition Guide, your 5-Day Fast Track meal plan, valuable 24/7 Online Support, and more.


Monday, June 24, 2013

9 "Healthy" Foods That Can Fool You

There are dozens of foods we fool ourselves into thinking are healthy when in truth they do nothing but pad our hips and arteries. Here are 9 of the worst offenders on your grocery store shelves.

1. Yogurt

It starts out as good stuff. Fat aside, there's the calcium and protein you find in all milk products, along with probiotics, which make it easier to digest for those with lactose issues. The only problem is that straight yogurt can be pretty bitter, so manufacturers load the stuff with sugar and masquerade those carbs as fruit in an effort to make the whole thing more palatable. Have a look at most flavored yogurt and you'll find the second ingredient to be sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. One container of Yoplait® Original Strawberry has 170 calories, with 5 grams of protein and 33 grams of carbohydrates, 27 of which are sugar. Oddly enough, these are the exact same nutrition facts for Yoplait's other, less healthy-sounding flavors, including Key Lime Pie and White Chocolate Raspberry.

Solution: Buy plain yogurt and flavor it yourself. You'd be amazed at how far a handful of raspberries or a tablespoon of honey will go to cut the bitter taste.

2. Wheat Bread

Slice of Bread
Whole-grain wheat is better for you than refined wheat. By keeping the bran and germ, you maintain the naturally occurring nutrients and fiber. But, for some reason, manufacturers constantly come up with new ways to lead you back to the refined stuff. One of their latest tricks is to refer to refined flour as "wheat flour" because, obviously, it's made of wheat. But just because it's wheat-based doesn't mean it's not refined. The distracted shopper can mistake this label for "whole wheat flour" and throw it in his cart. Another loaf of cruddy, refined, fiberless bread has a new home.

Solution: Slow down when you read the label. That word "whole" is an important one.

3. Chicken

Just because you made the switch from red meat doesn't mean you're in the clear. Three ounces of raw chicken breast, meat only, has 93 calories, 19.5 grams of protein, and 1.2 grams of fat. Three ounces of dark meat (wings, thighs, and legs), meat only, has 105 calories, 18 grams of protein, and 3.6 grams of fat. It may not seem like much, but it adds up.

Solution: Go for the breast, and while you're at it, ditch the skin. It's nothing but fat.

4. Frozen or Canned Fruit

Pineapple Rings
Any food swimming in juice or "light syrup" isn't good for you. Furthermore, most canned fruit is peeled, meaning you're being robbed of a valuable source of fiber. Frozen fruit is a little trickier. Freezing preserves the fruit itself, but some manufacturers add sugar during the freezing process to preserve color and taste.

Solution: Read the ingredients list! You want it to say fruit, water...and that's it.

5. Canned Vegetables

"What?!" "There's light syrup in canned string beans too?!" Nope. Actually, they add salt to preserve it. A half-cup serving of canned string beans has approximately 300 to 400 milligrams of sodium.

Solution: Many companies offer "no salt added" options. If you can't find one to your liking, go frozen instead. Many of these don't contain salt. Your best option?  Buy what's fresh and in season.

6. Peanut Butter

Grind up peanuts, maybe add a little salt. How hard is it to make that taste good?

Apparently, it's so difficult that many companies feel compelled to add sugar or high-fructose corn syrup into the mix. Why? I don't know. Some manufacturers, such as Skippy®, are up front enough to admit this and call their product "Peanut Butter Spread," but many others still refer to this sugary concoction as good old "peanut butter."

Solution: Read the label. (There's a theme emerging here.) Considering real peanut butter has one ingredient—two ingredients, max—it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.

7. Juice

Green Smoothie
The range in the nutritional value of store-bought juices is massive. On one end, you have "fruit drinks" with barely any actual juice in them. On the other end, you have fresh-squeezed, 100% preservative-free juices like Odwalla® and Naked Juice®. But no matter which you choose, it's important to remember that it's never going to be as healthy as whole fruit. And if you're trying to lose weight, it's a flat-out bad idea.

First off, it's been stripped of fiber, so you absorb it faster, which makes it more likely to induce blood sugar spikes. Secondly, you consume it faster and it's less filling, so you're more likely to drink more.

There are a few instances when juice is okay. For example, a home juicer can make predominately veggie-based drinks that are loaded with vitamins and minerals and lower in calories. If you're using this as part of a supervised juice fast, or you're trying to target a particular nutrient while concurrently not trying to lose weight, go for it. Otherwise, it's simply not worth it.

Solution: If you must buy it, go fresh-squeezed, but you're usually better off just skipping it entirely.

8. Canned Soup

As is also the case with canned veggies, you're entering a sodium minefield. Half a cup of Campbell's® Chicken Noodle Soup has about 37% of the recommended daily allowance—and who eats half a cup?

Solution: Read those labels carefully. Most companies make low-sodium versions.

9. Fat-Free Salad Dressing

Dressing by definition is supposed to be fatty, and thus, highly caloric. You use a little bit of it, and in doing so, you get a healthy hit of the fats you need for a nutritionally balanced diet. Unfortunately, people prefer to buy fat-free versions so they can drown their greens while avoiding excess fat. Nothing's free. All this stuff does is replace the fat with carbs and salt, so you've basically gone from pouring a little healthy unsaturated fat on your salad to dumping on a pile of sugar.

Solution: Make your own salad dressing. One part vinegar and one part olive oil with a blob of Dijon mustard makes an awesome vinaigrette. And here's another trick: Make your salad in a sealable container, add a tiny bit of dressing, and shake it up. It'll coat so much more than tossing will.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


What drives you? What makes you wake up every morning with such a high magnitude of drive and ambition? Why now? WHY?

I've had several people ask me these questions and I constantly ask myself on a regular basis. What keeps me going?

Lets go back in time.

October 22, 1986 I was born in a Women's Clinic in Fresno, California. Life to me as a young child was great. I had a great family environment, lots of smiles, laughs and overall LOVE. Granted I was young but my mind didn't know better. I was free. My life was grand.

Until one day all of that changed. 6 years old and uprooted from a place I called home and transported across the country to a foreign place. Richmond, Virginia. I had no idea how to perceive this life change. My whole family and life as I knew it was still in California. I can honestly say that's when my attitude towards life changed. I HATED my life and everyone around me. Forced to "love" a step-father who didn't give 2 cares in the world about me and forced to "forget" who I truly called Daddy and what love is "supposed" to feel like. I was no longer in control of my emotions and left dazed and confused. Growing up as a teenage girl, I was not given lessons from my mother as to what a woman really is and no lessons from my father (or father figure) as to what true love is.

Several attempts at suicide and an overall feeling of FAILURE in my life. I eventually didn't want to try to be who society wanted me to be. I had no lessons on how to get there and I was constantly viewed as worthless. "A riot child who just wants attention." I wanted direction. Approval. LOVE. When I realized that was something I wasn't going to get, I gave up. Turned to what made me feel good. Random men, drugs, alcohol. Anything that could take me out of the moment. I just wanted to feel free again.

This lasted for years. Many years.

Until God saw my death on the horizon. He had to do something fast or else He knew I was going to die.

Bryce Addai Johnson. 21 inches. 8 pounds 3 ounces. 1:49pm. January 13, 2011 my bouncing baby boy was born. Hearing his cry instantly brought me to tears. For that brief moment of him saying "Mommy I'm ok", I caught a quick glimpse of a day in California. Sunshine. Perfect weather. Smiles. Laughter. I saw life. I heard life. I saw love. I heard love. For the first time in my life. I was IN love.

I knew from that point I had to do whatever it would take to keep that love. I do not want my child to experience a broken heart before it was even truly put together. It's my job to show him life. How to live it. How to be it. But I had no idea how to do it.

I knew what I didn't want my son to experience, so I did the opposite. Eventually I started feeling that wasn't enough. He's getting older. Wiser. Curious. I have to expand my horizons. I have to broaden my love. But how? I don't even know what love is.

"You have to love yourself. I can't love you if you don't love yourself." Words from an ex-boyfriend constantly echoed through my head. He was right. Brutal. But right.

That's when my true journey with P90X began. Yeah I had attempted it before. But I wasn't really serious about it. What can working out for 60 minutes a day possible do to my self-esteem? Turns out a lot. Every day my confidence was built because the prior day I had just completed a workout that I didn't deem myself worthy of completing. I had to keep going. I had to maintain that sense of accomplishment. Eventually my eating habits changed too. Tony Horton was speaking to me in ways that no one else could imagine. He convinced me to keep going. "Forget the rest and do your best." Even to this day that quote from him replays in my head. He's right. The past is the past. Today is my moment. Today can and will be better than yesterday.

90 days later. 20 pounds gone. WOW! What else could I possibly achieve?! I was on a roll. No need to stop now. A 2 year old that loves watching me workout and pretending to do squats and pushups. He's learning from my drive and ambition. He's experiencing first hand the freedom that's restored in ey through working out.

1 10k finished and halfway through the INSANITY program. I know that if I keep going and complete Insanity that I can do anything. My past does not define me. My future is what drives me.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

Monday, June 3, 2013

Egg White Breakfast Burrito


1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp each finely chopped red, yellow & green bell pepper
1 tbsp finely chopped red onion
3 large egg whites (1/3 cup)
1 (8-inch) whole wheat flour tortilla, warm
1-2 slices bacon, cooked, chopped
2 Tbsp. fresh tomato salsa
Heat oil in medium nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. 
Add bell peppers and onion. Cook, stirring frequently, for 3 to 4 minutes or until soft.
Add eggs. Cook, over medium heat, stirring frequently, for 2 to 3 minutes, or until eggs are set.
Top tortilla with egg mixture and back. Roll tortilla burrito style and serve with salsa.
Nom Nom Nom. Quick, easy & healthy.